Become a referee

Our WP Rugby referee recruitment continues and clubs are reminded to nominate a minimum of two delegates to join the WP Rugby referees structures.

There are currently two options, these being Standby Referees who will be available and appointed to their club’s home games and Active Referees which are registered members of the Western Province Rugby Referee Society (WPRRS) and graded according to their fitness and exam marks.

Applicants are reminded to complete the pre-requisite courses in preparation of the World Rugby Level 1 course on the World Rugby website, the courses are

  1. Rugby Ready
  2. Introduction to Rugby Refereeing
  3. Laws of the Game and
  4. COVID19 Return to Play.

Once the course is completed a certificate is generated, this certificate needs to be sent to

The tentative dates for World Rugby Referees courses will be published soon.

Joining the referee’s structure is a fantastic way to serve your club and stay involved in the game of rugby. Candidates are required to complete the laws exam which is free on the world rugby website and thereafter the BokSmart programme.

Each course attendee receives a Video-based instructional set, together with a BokSmart Toolkit manual, which covers all the essential points on paper, and a Concussion guide, that would assist coaches and referees on-field to make appropriate decisions.