Boksmart smarts
Once again the WPRFU would like to emphasize to all of its affiliates that they need to comply with the BokSmart Safety Protocols and remind Clubs and Schools that the players are our most important assets and that their health, safety, and well-being are not to be compromised.
Some key checks to consider include but are not limited to the following:
The ground is level and free of holes.
There are no exposed sprinkler heads, or hard plastic/metal ground spikes or flag supports.
There is no broken glass, rubbish or stones.
There are no cement barriers, shot put rings, drains, protruding steel pipes or
structures, ditches, walls, buildings, fences, rails, stands, pylons, overhead lights or the like within the IRB stipulated playing enclosure.
There are no other movable objects such as dust bins, scrum machines, steel rollers, tyres, school bags, gazebos, chairs or the like within the IRB stipulated playing enclosure.
Goal posts are appropriately padded.
Marker flags will flex on impact with no sharp edges.
No advertising hoardings within the IRB stipulated playing enclosure.
Equipment is stable and will not collapse.
Spectators and vehicles’ proximity to the IRB stipulated playing enclosure must be managed appropriately.
Before any match can continue, the following needs to be controlled:
That the fields and surrounding playing enclosure meet the requirements of a safe match environment as described in the Field safety document.
That the minimum medical requirements are in place at the field.
At least 1 qualified first aider in attendance at the field per match.
A complete set of spinal board, neck collar, and spider harness and head blocks.
That each coach and referee of the participating teams has been controlled for their active BokSmart Certification status.
That duly completed team-lists are provided to the match referee beforehand to allow for control of the Under‐age and School Age‐banding Regulations.
Where School Age‐banding Regulations apply, for cleared or exempted individuals, the completed and signed off Schedule A and/or Schedule B has to be available and provided on request of the match referee on the day as proof of this clearance having being provided.
Should the coach or team manager NOT have these schedules available, the player in question will not be allowed to participate in the match – there is no compromise on this.
Enjoy your rugby